最動人16大金句 ___ 李佩珍
1. 當人們令你失望,你更要勇往直前,因為早晨到來,又是陽光燦爛的一天。
And when they let you down
You get up off the ground
Cause morning rolls around
And it’s another day of sun.
2. 一次小小的邂逅,可能就是苦等的機遇。
A little chance encounter…could be the one you’ve waited for.
3. 我們追尋的不過是另一個人的愛,一股悸動、一個眼神、一個碰觸、一支舞,凝視一個人的雙眼,點亮一整片天空。
Yes, all we’re lookin’ for is love from someone else. A rush, a glance, a touch, a dance, a look in somebody’s eyes…to light up the skies
4. 我只需要這瘋狂的感覺,與噗通亂跳的心,但願它一直都在。
Cause all that I need’s this crazy feeling. The rat-tat- tat of my heart.
Think I want it to stay.
5. 總會有個地方能讓我實現,對自己的期許。
Somewhere there’s a place…where I find who I’m gonna be.
6. 就這樣一文不名,我跳上巴士,來到這裡,勇敢或瘋狂,未來見分曉。
Without a nickel to my name
Hopped a bus, here I came. Could be brave or just insane, We’ll have to see.
7. 沒人喜歡爵士,連你都不喜歡!因為你,我現在喜歡了
Well, no one likes jazz! Not even you! I do like jazz now because of you!
8. 敬那些做夢的人,哪怕他們有點傻,敬那些痛著的心,敬我們製造的混亂。
Here’s to the ones who dream
Foolish as they may seem
Here’s to the hearts that ache
Here’s to the mess we make.
9. 正是那一絲絲瘋狂,讓我們看見新的色彩。
A bit of madness is key. To give us new colors to see’
People love what other people are passionate about!
A Technicolor world made out of music and machine. It called me to be on that screen
And live inside each scene.
12. 你為什麼把「浪漫」說得好像很不堪?
Why do you say “romantic” like it’s a dirty word?
I don’t know. That’s L.A. They just worship everything and they value nothing.
13. 你可以自己寫角色,寫跟你一樣有趣的東西。
You could just write your own roles, you know?
Write something that’s as interesting as you are
14. 爵士就是…每次都是新的,每晚都是全新的,非常非常刺激。
It’s new every time. It’s brand new every night. It’s very, very exciting.
15. 如果那麼墨守成規,要怎麼當革命者?
How are you gonna be a revolutionary if you’re such a traditionalist?
You’re holdin’ onto the past, but jazz is about the future.
16. 等你拿到這個角色,你必須要付出一切,全力以赴,這是你的夢想。
When you get this, you gotta give it everything you got. Everything.
It’s your dream.